
Proposed Dates Event/Activity Possible venue
27-29 January, 2016 Workshop on Regional Regulatory issues for high performance African Telecommunications Market Venue: TBC
8-10 February, 2016 Capacity building workshop on satellite communications: latest developments in satellite technologies and ITU rules of procedures governing use of orbital and frequency resources. Venue: TBC
9-11 March, 2016 1st Regional Preparatory meeting for WTDC-17 and workshop on empowerment of persons with disabilities and rural women (tele-working, e-learning) implementation mo0dels Venue : Tchad (TBC)
4-6 April, 2016 Workshop on the implementation of WRC-15 outcomes and Capacity building on development of National Broadband Plans Venue: TBC
18-20 April, 2015 Workshop on Services and Uses of ICTs to promote the empowerment of persons with disabilities and rural women (tele-working, e-learning etc) Venue: TBC
4-5 May, 2016 17th ATU Administrative Council, 2016 Venue: Egypt (TBC)
27 June to 1st July, 2016 2nd preparatory meeting for WTSA-16 and Capacity building on QoS & QoE Venue: Algeria (TBC)