ATU Secretariat
Box 35282 Nairobi
00200 Kenya
Tel: +254 20 4453308, 4453358
Fax: +254 20 4453359


Conference of Ministers of Telecommunications, ICTs and Energy

Theme: “Applying Emerging Technologies to empower Rural Communities towards attainment of Millennium Development Goals”

6 –7 December 2007
Hôtel Ivoire, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire



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Workshop on Powerline Communications (PLC) (more...)
Conference of African Telecommunication and ICT Ministers (more...)
ATU Jubilee Golden Book: The book has a rich mix of information covering the history of the Union, detailed data on ATU Member Countries and overviews of their information and communication characteristics.
Africa Telecom: Official Yearbook of ATU – 2008 Edition (more...)